Diamond Moving & Storage, Inc

Have a moving-related question? Diamond Moving & Storage, Inc has the answer. Check out these FAQs and give us a call today for a free estimate over the phone!

  • If it's snowing or raining, will you still do my move?

    Yes, through snow or rain, we will still do your scheduled move. If you're looking for a reliable local mover, contact Diamond Moving & Storage, Inc today!

  • Does my fridge or freezer need to be emptied before the move?

    Yes, your fridge and freezer need to be empty before the move. This ensures a local mover can move everything without issues and protect your belongings, too. Contact Diamond Moving & Storage, Inc today for more information on our services.

  • Should I crate or secure my pets?

    Yes, it is preferred that you crate, secure, or have someone watch your pets during our moving process. This ensures your pet does not get scared or run away. For a dependable local mover, contact our team today.

  • Can I ride in the truck?

    No, we do not allow our customers to ride in the truck with us or their belongings. This ensures the safety of everyone involved. For more information on our moving services, contact our local mover today.

  • How can I prepare to help on moving day?

    You can prepare for moving day with Diamond Moving & Storage, Inc by securing all firearms in a safe location, ensuring your home is clean and organized, and making sure everything that needs to be moved is ready for us.

    The current moving rate for Americans is 12.6%, according to Forbes. If you have more questions or want to schedule a move with our local mover, contact us today.

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